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Copy Issue Link

Copy Issue Link is a Jira plugin that lets you copy a Jira Issue key & title to your clipboard in one click. You can also use a custom template to include more data and personalize the copied text.


  1. How can I find the configuration page and create a custom template?
  2. Can I create more than one custom template?
  3. Can I create a button that just copies the Jira Issue Key?
  4. Can I disable the default ‘Copy Issue Key + Title Link’ button?
  5. How can I submit a support request?
  6. Additional Resources

How can I find the configuration page and create a custom template?

  1. To access the configuration page, start by clicking on the the gear icon in the top right corner of Jira. You should see a setting option called: “Apps Add and manage Jira Marketplace apps.” Click on that. jira-marketplace-apps-settings
  2. On the left hand side of this app configuration page, you should see a button to click called: “Copy Issue Link Configuration.” That should get you to the page to configure custom templates. jira-marketplace-apps-management
  3. You should now be on the page to configure custom templates. copy-issue-link-configuration

Can I create more than one custom template?

Yes, you can create up to 4.

Can I create a button that just copies the Jira Issue Key?

Yes. Navigate to the configuration page (as descirbed in FAQ #1), and create a button with a Custom Template value of $ISSUE_KEY_PLACEHOLDER:


When you click that button on a Jira Issue, an issue key (e.g. PROJ-18) will get added to your clipboard.

Yes. Navigate to the configuration page (as descirbed in FAQ #1), and you will find a checkbox option under to disable the default button under Advanced:


How can I submit a support request?

You can create a support request through our support portal.

Additional Resources